Assignment 3 – Hyper Realism Concepts

This week we were asked to develop 3 different concepts for a future marketing campaign using our sustainable cause as a theme. As I mentioned in the Digital Imaging page, I choose the Life Below Water theme and I developed 3 ideas based on my reasons for choosing the theme.

Concept 1 – Plastic Seafood

Oceans are one of the biggest providers of food, but with the wrong disposable of plastic nowadays, the only food it will provide us in the future is the garbage that we continue loading in the water everyday.

My idea is to visually show the possible future in a simple but impacting way, so using a close photo of a fish plate that will be made of plastic instead of being a real fish, this way showing that our actions will dictate the future.

The visual ideas for this media would be a match of these photos:

Concept 2 – Swimming in dirty waters

Not only a source of food, oceans and open waters are one of the most used recreational founts. We travel miles and miles to discover beautiful beaches and most of our summer time are spent by the sea or lake. We don’t give it enough credit but clean waters are a privilege that we still have but that we won’t have if we don’t start acting now to clean and save the waters.

Using the scarcity or fear of missing out the clean water in the future, my idea here is also give a flash of the future if actions are not taken now. The consequence for not helping now will be disastrous and we will have to swim in dirty and polluted waters.

For this media I want to create the illusion of someone swimming in polluted water as a normal thing we will see in the future, so I will use the following photos:

Concept 3 – The cure is underwater

Another point of my thesis is that Oceans are a vast territory that still need a lot of research, and as many scientists, I believe that it contains the cure for many diseases that we still haven’t found.

My intention is to subtilling show this concept in a simple image, so using a syringe with a small coral reef ecosystem instead of a unrecognized liquid, representing the cure for the diseases that can be found in the ocean, but for that it needs to be saved.

Below I have some visual ideas that will be mixed to represent the concept:

This, for now, are my concepts for the sustainable theme marketing campaign.

Sketches and campaign development will be posted in the following weeks.

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